Vulcan ePI FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build

Vulcan ePI FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ClinicalUseDefinitionInteractionUvEpi - Mappings

Active as of 2022-09-02

Mappings for the ClinicalUseDefinition-interaction-uv-epi resource profile.

Mappings for IDMP Mapping (

ClinicalUseDefinitionContraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects
   type(the type of IDMP class, out of Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects)
   subject(the link between the IDMP class and Medicinal Product)
      interactantInteractions.Interactant and Interactions.Interactions Text
         item[x]Interactions.Interactant and Interactions.Interactions Text
         item[x] (itemCodeableConcept)Interactions.Interactant and Interactions.Interactions Text
      typeInteractions.Interactions Type
      effectInteractions.Interactions Effect
      incidenceInteractions.Interactions Incidence
      managementInteractions.Management Actions
   populationPopulation Specifics

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (


Mappings for RIM Mapping (

ClinicalUseDefinitionEntity. Role, or Act