Vulcan ePI FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build

Vulcan ePI FHIR Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0). See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: ClinicalUseDefinitionContraindicationUvEpi - Mappings

Active as of 2022-09-02

Mappings for the ClinicalUseDefinition-contraindication-uv-epi resource profile.

Mappings for IDMP Mapping (

ClinicalUseDefinitionContraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects
   type(the type of IDMP class, out of Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects)
   subject(the link between the IDMP class and Medicinal Product)
      diseaseSymptomProcedureContraindication.Contraindications as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure" and Contraindication.Contraindications Text
      diseaseStatusContraindication.Disease Status
      indication(the link from Contraindication to Therapeutic Indication)
      otherTherapyContraindication.Other Therapy Specifics
         relationshipTypeOther Therapy Specifics.Therapy Relationship Type
         therapyOther Therapy Specifics.Medication
   indicationTherapeutic Indication
      diseaseSymptomProcedureTherapeutic Indication.Indication as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure", and Therapeutic Indication.Indication Text
      diseaseStatusTherapeutic Indication.Disease Status
      comorbidityTherapeutic Indication.Comorbidity
      intendedEffectTherapeutic Indication.Intended Effect
      durationTherapeutic Indication.Timing / Duration
      undesirableEffectTherapeutic Indication.Undesirable Effects
      otherTherapyTherapeutic Indication.Other Therapy Specifics
   populationPopulation Specifics

Mappings for FiveWs Pattern Mapping (


Mappings for RIM Mapping (

ClinicalUseDefinitionEntity. Role, or Act