Mappings for the ClinicalUseDefinition-contraindication-uv-epi resource profile.
ClinicalUseDefinitionContraindicationUvEpi |
ClinicalUseDefinition | Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects |
identifier | n/a |
type | (the type of IDMP class, out of Contraindication, Therapeutic Indication, Interactions, Undesirable Effects) |
category | n/a |
subject | (the link between the IDMP class and Medicinal Product) |
status | n/a |
contraindication | Contraindication |
diseaseSymptomProcedure | Contraindication.Contraindications as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure" and Contraindication.Contraindications Text |
diseaseStatus | Contraindication.Disease Status |
comorbidity | Contraindication.Comorbidity |
indication | (the link from Contraindication to Therapeutic Indication) |
otherTherapy | Contraindication.Other Therapy Specifics |
relationshipType | Other Therapy Specifics.Therapy Relationship Type |
therapy | Other Therapy Specifics.Medication |
indication | Therapeutic Indication |
diseaseSymptomProcedure | Therapeutic Indication.Indication as "Disease / Symptom / Procedure", and Therapeutic Indication.Indication Text |
diseaseStatus | Therapeutic Indication.Disease Status |
comorbidity | Therapeutic Indication.Comorbidity |
intendedEffect | Therapeutic Indication.Intended Effect |
duration | Therapeutic Indication.Timing / Duration |
undesirableEffect | Therapeutic Indication.Undesirable Effects |
otherTherapy | Therapeutic Indication.Other Therapy Specifics |
population | Population Specifics |